Saturday, August 9, 2008

FREE NIV MP3 Bible for download

What an awesome resource! I just found this free MP3 Audio Bible to download to your computer or MP3 player, in the Old and New Testaments.

Old Testament:
New Testament:

Or if you prefer the King James Version:


Pam Cuvin said...

hi. is it possible to save the audio Bible in my computer? i tried to click the links and i just plays online. i want to put it on my mp3 player. how is that possible? thanks

2C33 said...


Thanks for the question. Yes, you can download these to your computer and mp3. You will want to download each book of the Bible seperately. Otherwise the whole Old Testament and New Testament will be on your mp3 player as one 'song'. This way you can scan through quicker to get to where you left off.

Right click on the book, then click on "save target as", then you will pick what folder you want it in (you may want to create a seperate 'bible' folder in 'my documents' for this.) then just click 'save' and it will download. When it is done, click open (or click on it in your folder) and it will open with your music player, I use Windows Media Player. From there you can download it to your mp3. I will assume that you already know how to do that since you have an mp3, but if you have any more quesitons, feel free to ask.

Thanks for visiting my blog. God bless!

Anonymous said...

I uploaded them here for you all to listen.