Thursday, November 1, 2007

The one to watch, Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee for president.

I'll admit it, I'm not big into politics. I'm not even 'little' into politics. But I do vote. I think it's always important for each one of us to make our vote count. I've been concerned with the upcoming election because I was starting to think that there were no qualifying candidates that were running for president. At least I personally wouldn't hire any of them if I had the say so, and even though I am one in over 300,000,000 here in the US, my vote still counts. In the past, I have felt the need to vote out a certain candidate, rather than voting in someone I thought was worthy. But just recently someone sent me an email with a video clip of Mike Huckabee in a debate. I was intrigued. So I went to his website and checked him out. Go check this guy out. I like where he stands on the issues and he seems like a sincere Christian man who wants to do what is best for our country. He all for supporting Israel, he supports the sanctity of life, he defines marriage as between one man and one woman, he just seems to have it all together.

I've signed up for his email updates and am going to keep watching him through the next several months. It would really be nice to vote someone 'in' this election, rather than feeling it necessary to vote someone 'out'.

I urge my blog readers to comment on this article with any updates or news about Mr. Huckabee's campaign.

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